Support for Parents and Carers regarding Online learning

31st March 2020

Dear Parents and Carers

RE: Support for Parents and Carers regarding Online learning

I am writing to inform you of some useful weblinks to sites which offer support for parents and carers regarding online learning and safety during the period of nationwide school closure.

Most schools across the country are using online platforms to assist with home learning during this period and it is important for parents and carers to be as aware as possible of the support available.

The Bishop Stopford’s School website lists several useful links to helpful sites and our current Safeguarding Policy



Please also find below a brief list of organisations that are available to support parents, carers and young people with a range of additional needs including SEND, brain injury, Autism, and physical disabilities.

List of support services (National): London Special Educational Needs Information and Support Service (SENDIASS):

Thank you for your continued support during this period. Yours faithfully,

Garry Lyle
Deputy Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead Officer

Parent Letter Safeguarding Support March 31st 2020


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