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Physical Education

Our intent for the curriculum is to underline and promote the vitally important role that PE plays in developing physically active young people that gain the understanding and motivation to pursue a life-long love of sporting activity.

Key stage 3 PE at Bishop Stopford’s School is a springboard not just towards further qualifications in Key Stage 4/5 but also to aid our pupils in their journey to becoming physically active in a range of different aspects of sport and exercise enabling them to inter-link core skills and experience the wonder of new activities.  The department prides itself on the inclusivity of our curriculum that offers the same opportunities to all students with the opportunities for student feedback to enable us to steer our curriculum appropriately.

Knowledge, application and skills are at the core of our innovative curriculum. We will deliver high quality teaching and learning to develop the essential skills in our fundamental pillars of progression in PE:

  1. Motor competence;
  2. Rules, strategies and tactics;
  3. Healthy participation

Our Core Key Stage 4 curriculum provides a natural progression from the previous learning offering new opportunities and development of leadership skills.  As a department we are mindful of the ‘healthy body, healthy mind’ concept with students needing a physical outlet in this phase of learning to maintain this.

At Bishop Stopford’s School we offer the Greenhouse Basketball Academy Intervention programme to all students.  This is before, at lunch and after school and is lead by our in-house specialist coach.  PE Extra-curricular activities are extensive and inclusive of all abilities and interests.  The department also helps to enhance our pupil’s cultural capital through the extensive range of sporting enrichment opportunities both competitive and recreational.  Links with local sporting bodies provide a regular flow of students to further enhance their sporting interests in a range of different sports.

Student Learning Journey

Linking to KS2 learning is of paramount importance.

The key stage 3 PE journey makes a progression from key stage 2 with a strong focus on the key strands from previous learning.  Links with the Enfield PE team are vitally important to this link with regular collaborative planning and strategy implementation involving primary and secondary schools.


At KS3, in line with the National Curriculum our curriculum is well-sequenced to focus on developing pupil knowledge and competence.  The design of the curriculum is therefore catering to the needs of the students to further increase their motivation to participate further using our 3 pillars of progression:

  • motor competence – knowledge of the range of movements that become increasingly sport- and physical activity-specific
  • rules, strategies and tactics – knowledge of the conventions of participation in different sports and physical activities
  • healthy participation – knowledge of safe and effective participation

Pupils spend a half term on each activity allowing them to gain competence in 6 different sporting disciplines per year.  These are enhanced using the other 2 pillars as a thread running through all lessons.  Every year there is an increase in challenge and concept to ensure student engagement is high.

In Year 7 students will focus on linking prior knowledge from KS2 learning.  The overall aim is for all student to gain access to the foundations of PE.  Students have learning opportunities in Gymnastics, Football, Basketball, Hockey, Cricket/Rounders OAA and Athletics

In Year 8 students will build on the foundations and make the connections to more complex aspects of PE.  A more focused approach is applied to expose students to new sporting activities and learning opportunities.  Students have learning opportunities in Gymnastics, Football, Basketball, Hockey, Badminton, Cricket/Rounders OAA and Athletics

By the end of Year 9 students will be able to extend their learning to build upon the foundation and connective learning in Year 7 and 8.  Deeper investigation into PE activities and the varied roles that are associated are made.  PE Leadership skills are developed further with the overall aim to equip students with skills that can enhance their life and impact on their local and wider community.  Students have learning opportunities in Gymnastics, Football, Basketball, Hockey, Badminton, Cricket/Rounders and Athletics

Across this Key Stage, all student follow the PE commitment programme that encourages positive approaches to PE lessons.  The top students per activity block are rewarded with a certificate and prize.  Currently the prize is linked to our strategy to improve Literacy in school using football legend Marcus Rashford books to encourage a love of reading.


At KS4, core PE offers opportunities for developing leadership skills and experiencing new sporting opportunities.  Links with primary school allows our pupils to run sports days and inspire younger students to gain healthy sporting habits.

Examination PE is based on the Level BTEC Tech Award in Sport (Year 10) and Level 2 NCFE Health and Fitness Course (Year 11).  This qualification is designed for learners who want an introduction on how to prepare and improve participants' sporting performance (BTEC) and Health and Fitness that includes a vocational and project-based element (NCFE). The qualifications will appeal to learners who wish to pursue a career in the Health and Fitness sector or progress onto further study.  We set high standards and aspirational targets whilst ensuring that the needs of all learners are supported inside and outside of the classroom.  Students have learning opportunities in Football, Basketball, Hockey, Volleyball, Fitness, Tennis, Rounders OAA and Athletics


At KS5, the PE department continues the inclusive approach to teaching and learning by offering two pathways.  At Level 3 the Pearson BTEC specification delivers a dynamic and modern academic Sport curriculum that allows self-reliant, confident and independent learners to flourish. In addition we deliver the Level 2 Sport OCR CTEC Technical Specification allowing students to bridge the gap between these differing levels of learning.  The curriculum is designed to set high standards and aspirational targets whilst ensuring that the needs of all learners are supported inside and outside of the classroom.

How is PE taught?

The PE department use a hybrid model which encompass many teaching philosophies including:

  • Cooperative Learning (CL)
  • Sport Education (SE)
  • Peer Teaching (PT)
  • Inquiry Teaching (IT)
  • Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU)

All lessons will start with a retrieval activity, designed to recall prior learningembed memory of key concepts and contextualise the new learning that is about to take place. This will also be applied to learning that has taken place previously in the course to highlight the relevance of constantly revisiting learning and making connections.  The learning within the lesson will be progressive, enabling students to develop new knowledge and apply it.  Teaching and learning is scaffolded to ensure every student can assess the curriculum and is in line with the whole school approach of applying the DTT model for learning.

Assessment is based on the ‘Head, Heart, Hands’ approach acknowledging that pupils bring a range of different skills to the PE lesson and allowing for feedback that can be more specific to student development.  Assessment is formalised in line with the school calendar assessment window and students are advised as to how they will be assessed to allow them to prepare appropriately.  Assessment is reflective of learning content and allows for students to be stretched and challenged in their learning.  Students receive constructive feedback and overall progress information.

Home learning

Home learning is based on developing the understanding and skills that are learnt within the lesson.  In PE, flipped learning is an important part of this and allows students to come prepared to further develop and apply their knowledge.  All additional home learning is set online using Google classroom in Core PE and The Everlearner bespoke exam based PE in Key stage 4/5 classes in line with the school schedule.