MYME resources and information for parents
My Young Mind Enfield (MYME) is a new NHS-commissioned team, made up of different professionals, working to support well-being across the school community.
Who are MYME?
The team is based at Enfield CAMHS, but works directly in schools offering a range of early intervention services including 1:1 work with parents, pupil groups, workshops, staff consultation and training around all aspects of wellbeing, including behavioural difficulties, anxiety, emotional regulation and transition. Two Educational Wellbeing Practitioners will be working closely with Bishop Stopford's to provide these services. If you would like any more information about the team, or to request further support, please contact the school. There is also more information about our service on our website:
Please visit the MYME website by clicking the link -
What is Anxiety?
Fear and anxiety are related emotions. You feel fear as a response to an immediate threat, and you feel anxiety in response to a future threat. Everyone feels fear or anxiety from time to time.
Introduction to Anxiety - Parent Workshop
We work within a Mental Health Support Team called MYME, working in schools across Enfield, both primary and secondary. MYME aim to promote emotional wellbeing and mental health by supporting children, young people and their families through prevention, early intervention and identification. Our team is made up of a wide range of professionals:
School Wellbeing Practitioners
Based in schools across Enfield, we as school wellbeing practitioners (SWPs) aim to promote emotional wellbeing and mental health by supporting children, young people and their families through prevention, early intervention, and identification.