End Of Term Letter July 2024

Dear Parents /Carers,
As we approach the end of another academic year, I would like to thank you all once again for your continued support. Events
We have had some wonderful community events this year. We cherish all opportunities to bring our community together, along with our own staff and students. We have worked in partnership across the Local Authority, but particularly with our church sister schools. We have learned and we have celebrated together.
Founders Day
On Monday, 1st July members of staff and year 7 students celebrated `Founders Day’. The Celebrant Rev Tina Kelsey, led our inclusive service, with students supporting in readings and our wonderful worship choir uplifting us with their voices. Our Preacher, Andie Frost enlightened us with his inspiring stories and staff members took part giving readings to the congregation.
Year 6 Transition Day
On Thursday, 6th July, students attended Bishop Stopford’s School for their taster day. Our new year 7 students for 2023/2024 were able to experience lessons in a variety of subjects. Students were introduced to the Head of Year, middle leaders and Teaching Assistants who assisted them throughout the day, as well as our student leaders who represented our school community in a helpful, informative and caring manner. The day was very successful and we look forward to welcoming our new year 7 students in September, 2024.
School Festival
We have had some wonderful joint events with our family of primary schools, culminating in our Summer Festival on Thursday, 11th July. The Summer Festival is an annual event which provides an opportunity for us to celebrate the end of the school year along-side our local primary schools. Staff from all schools work in partnership to put on a festival that includes live music performances on our centre stage and creative activities that broaden the curriculum for all. The day allows our students to gain valuable experience of organising groups and leading by example.
Results Day for Years 11, 12 & 13 We are looking forward to results day for our year 11, 12 and 13 students. Our students have worked extremely hard this academic year.
I would like to express how very proud I am of them all. A separate letter has gone out with the details of how students can obtain results, but for ease of reference, results days are outlined below. Results will be available for students as follows: A level results, Thursday, 15th August, 2024 – collect from 8.30am.
GCSE results,
Thursday, 22nd August, 2024 – collect from 9am.
Students will be able to collect their results from school on these days, following the full guidance emailed to you in our Exam’s Office letter this week. Results will also be available on the dates listed above from 12pm via My Child at School (MCAS). We are looking forward to seeing our students collecting their results, celebrating their successes and sharing with us the next steps on their educational journey.
The last day of term is Friday, 19th July and school will finish at 12.15pm for all students.
The arrangements are as follows: -
8.30 – 8.55 form time,
8.55 – 9.55 - period 1
9.55 – 10.55 - period 2
10.55 – 11.15 break
11.15-12.15 form time or assembly
Staggered exist as follows: -
Year 7 - 12
Year 8 & 9 12:05
Year 10 - 12:15
There will be an opportunity for students to collect a meal at break-time if they are eligible for free school meals, or to purchase a meal if not eligible for free school meals, should they wish to do so.
We will be welcoming students back to school using a staggered approach.
Student return dates by year group can be found below and details of timings will follow on the school website nearer the time:
Wednesday, 4th September
Year 7 students – arrive normal time 8.30am
Year 12 students 6th Form enrolment – from 8.30am
Thursday, 5th September
All students from all year groups arrive to school at the normal time
Finally, please do continue to visit the School’s website for updated information with regards to summer exam results and the start of term in September 2024.
In the meantime, I wish you all a peaceful and restful summer holiday.
Warmest wishes,
Mrs T Day, BA (Hons), NPQH