Careers Programme KS4
At KS4 the careers programme continues to be delivered within the tutorial programme and PSHCE lessons, however there are a wide range of additional activities that take place to support students making decisions about what to do after the end of Year 11. These include;
- Use of Kudos online careers tool to support post 16 choices
- Kings College Medicine outreach programme for aspiring doctors
- Engineering open days at CONEL
- Face-to-face encounters with local providers including Johnson Matthey
- Virtual Work Experience Placements for Y10 and Y11
- Y10 visit to Peter’s College, Oxford University
- Dedicated Year 11 Careers google classroom advertising extra-curricular activities including careers webinars on:
- how to fill in a college application form,
- how to succeed at interview.
- Post 16 Options Information Evening
- 1-2-1 Careers Interviews offered to every student in Year 11.
- Supporting students making applications for apprenticeships