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  • Open Evening

    Published 11/09/24

    We are delighted to welcome you to our Open Evening on Tuesday 24th September 2024 from 6 to 7.30pm.

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  • GCSE Results Day Success

    Published 02/09/24

    We had another fantastic GCSE Results Day, with our Year 11 students collecting their examination results and enrolling for the next part of their academic journey.  It was a real pleasure to see the students celebrating their success together and to be able to congratulate them all for their amazing achievements.

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  • Year 13 Exam Success

    Published 28/08/24
    Many congratulations to all of our Year 13 students who received their A-Level and BTEC results yesterday. We are so proud of you and what you have achieved and can't wait to hear about how you get on as you prepare to start your degrees, apprent
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  • Bishop Stopford's Primary School Festival

    Published 18/07/24
    On Thursday 11th July, Bishop Stopford's School hosted our annual primary school Festival and welcomed staff and students from St John & St James', Freezywater St.Georges, St James', Suffolks and Caterhatch Primary Schools for an incredibly joyous and action-packed morning.


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  • 6th Form Enrolment 2024

    Published 18/07/24

    Our Sixth Form Enrolment will be on Thursday 22nd August 2024. Once you have collected your results, you will have a one to one meeting with a member of the Senior Leadership Team, where you will be able to enrol at our Sixth Form and discuss the next steps for you as you prepare for September.

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  • End Of Term Letter July 2024

    Published 18/07/24

    Dear Parents /Carers,

    As we approach the end of another academic year, I would like to thank you all once again for your continued support. Events
    We have had some wonderful community events this year. We cherish all opportunities to bring our community together, along with our own staff and students. We have worked in partnership across the Local Authority, but particularly with our church sister schools. We have learned and we have celebrated together.

    Founders Day

    On Monday, 1st July members of staff and year 7 students celebrated `Founders Day’. The Celebrant Rev Tina Kelsey, led our inclusive service, with students supporting in readings and our wonderful worship choir uplifting us with their voices. Our Preacher, Andie Frost enlightened us with his inspiring stories and staff members took part giving readings to the congregation.
    Year 6 Transition Day

    On Thursday, 6th July, students attended Bishop Stopford’s School for their taster day. Our new year 7 students for 2023/2024 were able to experience lessons in a variety of subjects. Students were introduced to the Head of Year, middle leaders and Teaching Assistants who assisted them throughout the day, as well as our student leaders who represented our school community in a helpful, informative and caring manner. The day was very successful and we look forward to welcoming our new year 7 students in September, 2024.

    School Festival

    We have had some wonderful joint events with our family of primary schools, culminating in our Summer Festival on Thursday, 11th July. The Summer Festival is an annual event which provides an opportunity for us to celebrate the end of the school year along-side our local primary schools. Staff from all schools work in partnership to put on a festival that includes live music performances on our centre stage and creative activities that broaden the curriculum for all. The day allows our students to gain valuable experience of organising groups and leading by example.

    Results Day for Years 11, 12 & 13 We are looking forward to results day for our year 11, 12 and 13 students. Our students have worked extremely hard this academic year.

    I would like to express how very proud I am of them all. A separate letter has gone out with the details of how students can obtain results, but for ease of reference, results days are outlined below. Results will be available for students as follows:  A level results, Thursday, 15th August, 2024 – collect from 8.30am.

    GCSE results,

    Thursday, 22nd August, 2024 – collect from 9am.
    Students will be able to collect their results from school on these days, following the full guidance emailed to you in our Exam’s Office letter this week. Results will also be available on the dates listed above from 12pm via My Child at School (MCAS). We are looking forward to seeing our students collecting their results, celebrating their successes and sharing with us the next steps on their educational journey.


    The last day of term is Friday, 19th July and school will finish at 12.15pm for all students.
    The arrangements are as follows: -
    8.30 – 8.55 form time,
    8.55 – 9.55 - period 1
    9.55 – 10.55 - period 2
    10.55 – 11.15 break
    11.15-12.15 form time or assembly

    Staggered exist as follows: -
    Year 7 - 12
    Year 8 & 9 12:05
    Year 10 - 12:15

    There will be an opportunity for students to collect a meal at break-time if they are eligible for free school meals, or to purchase a meal if not eligible for free school meals, should they wish to do so.


    We will be welcoming students back to school using a staggered approach.
    Student return dates by year group can be found below and details of timings will follow on the school website nearer the time:
    Wednesday, 4th September
    Year 7 students – arrive normal time 8.30am
    Year 12 students 6th Form enrolment – from 8.30am
    Thursday, 5th September
    All students from all year groups arrive to school at the normal time

    Finally, please do continue to visit the School’s website for updated information with regards to summer exam results and the start of term in September 2024.

    In the meantime, I wish you all a peaceful and restful summer holiday.
    Warmest wishes,

    Mrs T Day, BA (Hons), NPQH

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  • Bishop’s Year 8 Boys Basketball 3v3 Champions

    Published 18/07/24

    We are proud to announce that Gabriel, Afonso and Junior participated in a London wide U13’s 3x3 tournament at the University of East London.  They battled it out between 8 top level national league teams and academies during 3 group stages matches, quarter final, semi final and the final, and won the whole tournament!!  An amazing achievement by our students and a great example of how hard work and commitment can be applied on and off the court.

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  • May End of Half Term Letter

    Published 24/05/24

    Half Term

    Dear parents/carers,

    I hope this end of half term letter finds you well.

    We recently had our Cultural Day celebration. This vibrant event was a remarkable opportunity for our school community to come together and honour the diverse cultures that enrich our school family. Both staff and students participated with great enthusiasm, adorning themselves in the colourful attire representative of their cultural heritage. The day began with a festive atmosphere, as the sounds of traditional music from various cultures filled the air, welcoming students as they entered the school. It was a joyous occasion that not only celebrated our differences but also fostered a deeper understanding and appreciation for the unique backgrounds of everyone in our school.

    I would also like to extend our best wishes to all students currently undertaking external exams; we wish them every success. This is a pivotal time in their academic journey, and we are confident that their hard work and dedication will yield excellent results. Our staff have been committed to providing the necessary support and resources to ensure that each student is well-prepared. We encourage our students to stay focused, manage their time effectively, and approach their exams with confidence. We appreciate your ongoing support and encouragement during this crucial time. Together, we can help our students achieve their full potential.
    Finally, I would like to refer you to the end of term newsletter that gives you more exciting information regarding the exciting events undertaken this term.

    Return to school, Monday 3rd June, 2024
     Students will return to school at 9.30am
     Students will go to registration
     Students will start their lessons 9.55am.

    We look forward to welcoming our students back and continuing their educational journey on Monday 3rd June, 2024.
    Thank you for your ongoing support and partnership. Together, we can ensure the success and happiness of every child at Bishop Stopford’s School. Have a peaceful and restful half term.

    Warm regards,

    Tammy Day

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  • Bishop Stopford’s School retains ‘Good’ Ofsted.

    Published 13/03/24


    Bishop Stopford’s School retains ‘Good’ Ofsted, as it celebrates supportive and nurturing culture.


    March, 2024

    Dear families,

    Following our Ofsted inspection in January, 2024, Bishop Stopford’s School, has once again been confirmed as `good’. We have been praised for our high expectations, welcoming and supportive approach, and ambitious curriculum, as we continue to be rated a `good school’.

    Our school has been commended for creating a ‘nurturing and harmonious community based on equality’. The school’s vision is to provide an outstanding, inclusive and aspirational education for all its children. With a commitment to highly inclusive education and a belief that everyone can achieve beyond their expectations. Its moto of ‘believe, strive, succeed’ is at the heart of everything the school does. This was noted in the report, with inspectors stating that leaders ‘make sure that pupils at the school are happy and safe’, and that they ‘show determination that pupils can flourish’. This ambition extends to pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

    Within the report, inspectors also highlighted that ‘the school champions diversity’ and that ‘they have appointed both pupil and staff diversity ambassadors, who organise a range of events throughout the year’. It also emphasised that ‘pupils are proud to represent their school community’ and ‘Sixth-Form students are positive role models for younger pupils and provide support for their peers’.  Other areas of success in the report, includes:

    • The school provides all pupils with a broad and balanced curriculum
    • Leaders have a strong grasp of how to build pupils’ knowledge progressively over time
    • The curriculum is successfully adapted, designed or developed to meet the needs of pupils with SEND
    • Teachers support pupils’ knowledge and skills effectively, including through high levels of guidance in lessons
    • Reading and pupils’ literacy development are a priority for the school
    • Attendance is very well managed and actions taken by the school have resulted in improvements to pupils arriving to school on time. Leaders work constructively with families, pupils and professionals to identify barriers to attending school.
    • Pupils have positive attitudes to their learning and concentrate well
    • Leaders are keen to ensure that pupils are well prepared for life beyond school; provide pupils with a wide range of activities and clubs; and ensure there are a range of leadership opportunities for pupils.

    These efforts have also recently been bolstered by the school’s formal partnership with local not-for-profit foundation co-operative, Enterprise Cooperative Trust – a partnership of like-minded schools, charities, community groups and businesses, which aims to extend life skills and work opportunities for all students in Enfield. 

    Our school is underpinned by deep-rooted values of respect, consideration, loyalty, responsibility and success. It is pleasing that Ofsted recognised that our pupils are proud of being here and can flourish in an environment that is supportive and motivational.

    We are so proud of the community we have built and I’d like to thank our staff, pupils and families for their ongoing support and dedication. It’s wonderful to see a continued positive outcome in recognition of our strong commitment that every child, regardless of their background, will be championed every step of the way to achieve their very best.

    Kind regards,

    Mrs Day, BA (Hons)


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  • Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) Inspection of Bishop Stopford’s School​​​​​​​

    Published 05/03/24

    National SIAMS Team


    Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) Inspection of Bishop Stopford’s School

    Letter from Andrw Wilcock, SIAMS Inspector

    Dear Parents and Carers,

    All Church of England and Methodist schools are inspected approximately every five years by a SIAMS inspector from the Church of England, although there has been some delay to our inspections due to Covid.

    I will be inspecting your child’s school on 11/03/24 and 12/03/24.

    A SIAMS inspection is an opportunity to highlight the impact that the school’s Christian vision has on the flourishing of the whole school community.

    As part of my evidence-gathering I will speak with a range of people from within the school community. It is likely that I will speak with some of you on the inspection day.

    Following the inspection, I will write a report. Once the report has been finalised it will be published, and the inspection findings will be shared with you. This will be approximately three weeks after the inspection. The report will celebrate all that is special about the school and will identify next steps that are helpful in the school’s ongoing development as a Church school.

    The report will be published on the school’s website, and I would encourage you to read it.

    I look forward to spending time with the school community on 11 and 12 March.

    Kind regards,

    Andrew Wilcock SIAMS Inspector

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  • In tribute to Peter Smith, former Director of Music at Bishop Stopford’s School

    Published 09/02/24

    It was with great sadness that at the start of term we learnt of the death of Peter Smith, former Director of Music at Bishop Stopford’s School. Today former Stopfordians - both teachers and pupils will be gathering at St Mary the Virgin in Ware to celebrate his life.

    Peter joined the school in 1972 and retired in 2000. During this considerable time he was instrumental in developing the provision of music in all of its guises throughout the school - be it the singing of hymns in assembly, the wide variety of music explored within music lessons, the delivery of challenging choral works in the annual concerts, to the joy of performances in operettas at the end of the school year; until it underpinned the very heart of the school. As well as being a passionate teacher of music, who inspired countless students to develop and pursue their love of both playing and singing, Peter was a highly accomplished organist and was responsible for the installation of the organ which sits within the school hall to this day. Music remains at the heart of what we do at Bishop Stopford’s School and so Peter’s legacy continues to influence each new generation of students

    Ever the loyal Stopfordian Peter returned to the school in 2018 to help celebrate the 50th anniversary of its foundation, leading a choir of ex-pupils and staff in a celebratory evensong. It was evident how much enthusiasm Peter retained for the school and his former pupils and they were delighted to be back under his directorship again.

    As the prayer for all Stopfordians was said this morning, as it is every morning, at the line “gone forth from amongst us” our thoughts were focused on the enormous contributions made to the School by Peter. May he rest in peace.

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  • Christmas with the Bishop’s Gospel Choir | Bishop Stopford’s School Enfield

    Published 08/01/24
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