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  • Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) Inspection of Bishop Stopford’s School​​​​​​​

    Published 05/03/24

    National SIAMS Team


    Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) Inspection of Bishop Stopford’s School

    Letter from Andrw Wilcock, SIAMS Inspector

    Dear Parents and Carers,

    All Church of England and Methodist schools are inspected approximately every five years by a SIAMS inspector from the Church of England, although there has been some delay to our inspections due to Covid.

    I will be inspecting your child’s school on 11/03/24 and 12/03/24.

    A SIAMS inspection is an opportunity to highlight the impact that the school’s Christian vision has on the flourishing of the whole school community.

    As part of my evidence-gathering I will speak with a range of people from within the school community. It is likely that I will speak with some of you on the inspection day.

    Following the inspection, I will write a report. Once the report has been finalised it will be published, and the inspection findings will be shared with you. This will be approximately three weeks after the inspection. The report will celebrate all that is special about the school and will identify next steps that are helpful in the school’s ongoing development as a Church school.

    The report will be published on the school’s website, and I would encourage you to read it.

    I look forward to spending time with the school community on 11 and 12 March.

    Kind regards,

    Andrew Wilcock SIAMS Inspector

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  • In tribute to Peter Smith, former Director of Music at Bishop Stopford’s School

    Published 09/02/24

    It was with great sadness that at the start of term we learnt of the death of Peter Smith, former Director of Music at Bishop Stopford’s School. Today former Stopfordians - both teachers and pupils will be gathering at St Mary the Virgin in Ware to celebrate his life.

    Peter joined the school in 1972 and retired in 2000. During this considerable time he was instrumental in developing the provision of music in all of its guises throughout the school - be it the singing of hymns in assembly, the wide variety of music explored within music lessons, the delivery of challenging choral works in the annual concerts, to the joy of performances in operettas at the end of the school year; until it underpinned the very heart of the school. As well as being a passionate teacher of music, who inspired countless students to develop and pursue their love of both playing and singing, Peter was a highly accomplished organist and was responsible for the installation of the organ which sits within the school hall to this day. Music remains at the heart of what we do at Bishop Stopford’s School and so Peter’s legacy continues to influence each new generation of students

    Ever the loyal Stopfordian Peter returned to the school in 2018 to help celebrate the 50th anniversary of its foundation, leading a choir of ex-pupils and staff in a celebratory evensong. It was evident how much enthusiasm Peter retained for the school and his former pupils and they were delighted to be back under his directorship again.

    As the prayer for all Stopfordians was said this morning, as it is every morning, at the line “gone forth from amongst us” our thoughts were focused on the enormous contributions made to the School by Peter. May he rest in peace.

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  • Christmas with the Bishop’s Gospel Choir | Bishop Stopford’s School Enfield

    Published 08/01/24
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  • Parental Letter – Christmas 2023

    Published 20/12/23

    December 2023

    Dear Parents and Carers,

    At this time of year we are often thinking about Christmas presents and expensive treats, but Christmas need not be about the material things. We know that Jesus was a poor man himself, but was rich in so many other ways. He was rich in love. Christmas is a time for celebration and reflection and as we draw to the end of another great term, we are assured that our community is one rich in love, supported through strong collaboration, leading to wonderful achievements.

    Spreading joy and goodwill

    Our Christmas Community Service on 13th December was a joyous event bringing the school community together. Students from our local primary schools attended and performed, and our own choir displayed their singing talent, spreading joy, love and goodwill for Christmas. Speeches were given by our staff members and students. After the service everyone gathered together and shared Christmas cheer. A wonderful celebration was had by all!

    Christmas Celebrations from our Choir (see the school’s website)

    We are delighted to announce that there will be a wonderful display of songs from our choir on the school’s website for you to view, so please click on this link and enjoy the joy they bring over Christmas.


    For highlights of events and information, view our school’s newsletter on our website.

    Support during the holiday

    We know that with the cost of living crisis and the increase in energy prices mean some families may find the Christmas period difficult. All those in receipt of Free School Meals should of received an eCode Payment Voucher for the Christmas holidays – this is £55.  The e-code is issued by Edenred and will have been sent to your e-mail address. Please note this code must be redeemed by Sunday 14th January 2024 (it cannot be reissued) but the supermarket voucher can be spent after this date. If you have any queries please contact the school by e-mail

    This voucher is from the Household Support Grant which the local authority issues on behalf of the Department of Work and Pensions.

    Organisations for Support throughout the Christmas Period

    Remember that you are never alone and can lean on a number of different organisations throughout this period if you are struggling. Websites for these organisations can be found attached to this letter.

    End of Term Arrangements and Return to School in January, 2024

    • Our last day of term is Wednesday, 20thth December.
    • The students will leave the premises from 12.15pm

    Spring Term Arrangements

    We look forward to our return to school in the New Year on Monday, 8rd January 2024. Students will arrive at 9.30am and attend registration with their form tutors. Lessons will then return to normal from Lesson 2. This will facilitate a staff training session to further develop staff professional development and continue to raise standards in our teaching. We will be returning to a week 1 timetable. Please do ensure that your child arrives on time and that they are well prepared for the year ahead with correct uniform and the required equipment to facilitate learning.

    Finally, I would like to wish all of the Bishop Stopford’s family, present with us, absent from us, or gone forth among us, a very merry Christmas and a peaceful and prosperous New Year.

    Mrs Day, Headteacher

    BA (Hons), NPQH

    Food Banks

    Listed below is some useful information on food banks within the Enfield Area: -

    North Enfield Food Bank

    Address: 2, Jubilee Central, Lumina Way, Enfield EN1 1FS

    Phone: 07826 542119

    Solidarity Food Point

    Address: Great Cambridge Rd, London N9 9LE

    Phone: 020 8245 8482

    The Trussell Trust Food Bank

    Address: 2 Lumina Way, Enfield EN1 1FS

    Phone: 07826 542119

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  • Year 11 Parents Evening

    Published 28/11/23
    • Date: Thursday 7th of December 2023
    • Time: 5 pm

    Parents' evening will be held in person in school.
    Please book here

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  • Bishop’s Strive and Succeed at Enfield Cross Country Event

    Published 16/11/23

    Our core Strive for Five values of consideration, respect, loyalty, responsibility and success were on show for all to see at the recent athletics event at Trent Country Park.  Cross country running is a physically and mentally tough event and we were very proud to see the resilience of our students across all year groups competing at the highest level.

    Lower school students ran 3,000m and upper school students a 3,500m distance through wild terrain and dense forests.  With four major uphill climbs the race was challenging and extreme.  All of students competed well in the strong field of competitors with outstanding performances from Year 7 Sheldon (7th), Year 8 Julia (16th), and Year 11 Yevhennia (8th).  Students ranking in the Top 10 are considered exceptional performers.

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  • World Class Teddy​​​​​​​

    Published 09/11/23

    We are proud to announce that our World Class Stopfordian Teddy achieved the gold medal in the Youth Commonwealth Games this summer.

    Teddy balanced obtaining his GCSE results this year with his athletics training to take glory this summer with a 100m time of 10.37 seconds. We are very proud of his achievements and hope he continues to achieve and inspire our students here. The link below provides insight into his recent athletic events.

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  • Bishop Stopford’s School achieves the Bronze Award for Racial Equality

    Published 03/11/23

    Exciting News! Bishop Stopford's School achieves the Bronze Award for Racial Equality this year, signifying our unwavering commitment to tracking and improving racial equity. Our journey towards a more inclusive future continues. Thank you for your support! #RacialEquality #BronzeAward #Inclusion 

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  • Year 11 trial Exams – 14th to 24th November

    Published 31/10/23

    Dear Year 11 Parents/ Carers,

    As you will be aware, trial examinations for Year 11 students are scheduled to take place between Tuesday 14th – Friday 24th November. During this two week trial exam period, students will sit examinations for all of their GCSE/vocational subjects and in turn this is an opportunity for them to gain valuable practice and experience as they prepare for their final exams in just over 6 months’ time. A timetable detailing the date and time of each of these exams is attached to this letter.
    In readiness for these examinations, additional work will be set for students to complete at home in the coming weeks to ensure that they achieve as high a grade as possible in all of their subjects. In addition to the work that students are completing in class and at home, we will also be spending tutorial time after half term, focusing on study and exam skills in order to ensure that every student is fully prepared for their trial exams.

    Throughout the trial exam period:

    •  Students will be expected to arrive to school at the normal time of 8.30am at the latest and report to the school canteen
    • Morning exams will begin promptly at 8.55am
    • The school canteen will be open earlier, from 7.45am each day, for students to access breakfast and a study space
    • Break will run as normal at 10.55am
    • Students will attend period 3 as normal, with lunch taking place at 12.15pm
    • Students will begin their afternoon exams following lunch at 1pm
    • All students will be dismissed from school to go home once their afternoon exams have finished (please note that dependent on the length of the exam, this may be earlier than the usual 3.10pm finish, please refer to the exam timetable for further details)
      For further details of key subject and exam board information regarding your child’s subjects, please refer to details shared at our Year 11 Information Evening and via the school website link below:

    Information Evening


    Thank you as always for your continued support. We wish all of Year 11 every success in their trial exams and look forward to sharing their results with you the week of 4th December.


    With all best wishes
    Ms Ella Moynihan
    Deputy Headteacher – Standards and Achievement

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  • Development Language Disorder (DLD) Day 20.10.23

    Published 20/10/23

    At Bishop Stopford's School, we are supporting pupils with DLD by wearing purple on 20.10.23.
    We will also be reading DLD facts at #Raddld2023 #DLDday2023 #DLD #ECASS #DLDandMe #EnfieldandDLD #GrowingwithDLD #SLCN #EnfieldEdUK The ECASS team from the LA will be posting facts one every hour.

    Around 1 in 14 children are affected by Development Language Disorder (DLD). Probably between one and two young people in every classroom.
    Young people with DLD have difficulties understanding language, they might mix words up in a sentence or misunderstand what you are asking them to do.

    DLD is a 'hidden disability', as it is not always obvious that someone has this disability.

    What are the signs of DLD?
    A young person might struggle to say the words they want to say.
    They have a limited vocabulary.
    They mix their words up in a sentence.
    They don't understand what you are asking them to do.
    They might find it hard to follow more than one instruction at a time.
    They find it hard to tell a story or sequence events.
    They don't have names for things and may just point at something or say 'that one' etc
    They might have difficulty reading.
    They might not use proper grammar.
    They get upset when routines change.
    They might find it difficult to make and maintain friendships.

    DLD is not Dyslexia
    A young person struggling to read the words on a page of text may have dyslexia.
    A young person with SLCN (Speech Language and Communication Needs) or DLD may struggle to understand what is happening in a story.

    How to help your DLD child
    Use simple sentences.
    Give one instruction at a time.
    Check they have understood - ask them to repeat what you have said.
    Use new words when talking to them.

    For further information on DLD:

    Carol Hart (SENCO)

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  • Sixth Form Open Evening – Thursday 2nd November – 6:00pm – 7:30pm

    Published 20/10/23


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  • Bishop’s lead the Reading Challenge at Tottenham FC

    Published 25/09/23

    Hosts of this event the paralympiam Ellie Simmonds MBE and ex-Tottenham captain Ledley King were in awe of the leadership skills of our students who ran this primary school event.

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