Bishop’s Year 10 Girls sports Leaders

This year the PE department has focused a lot of time and effort into the development of opportunities for our students and made the equality of access for girls our main priority.
We selected 24 female students to run the Enfield Borough World Cup Football event designed to inspire the next generation of young female footballers. These students have shown outstanding commitment to PE in school and developed the core leadership skills to run high-profile events.
The first phase was a commitment to the programme and to developing the skills at school level using our own students. This enabled all students to learn and develop confidence whilst gaining valuable staff and peer feedback. Every student had to get to the point where we felt they were a 'professional coach' and all succeeded. Year 10 student Kamara was very reflective stating that 'you need to really plan and make sure you communicate with words they will understand and engage with'.
The second phase was the event itself. Over a hundred Year 3 students came and were met with a wave of enthusiasm from our young leaders. Instantly they got into the spirit of the event and developed their football skills whilst having fun! Feedback from the primary staff was very positive with one school stating that 'Bishop's leaders are amazing, can they do all of our sports events'.
Our student improved their relationships with each other, gained a huge amount of confidence and raised the profile of the school in our community even further. The primary school students found new role models to look up to and developed their resilience in sport. The caption of the day was the mutual praise and thanks across primary and secondary schools students with Year 10 student Ianthe summing it up with 'it was amazing, I feel emotional as they tried so hard...I can't wait to do it again'.