Year 11 trial Exams – 14th to 24th November

Dear Year 11 Parents/ Carers,
As you will be aware, trial examinations for Year 11 students are scheduled to take place between Tuesday 14th – Friday 24th November. During this two week trial exam period, students will sit examinations for all of their GCSE/vocational subjects and in turn this is an opportunity for them to gain valuable practice and experience as they prepare for their final exams in just over 6 months’ time. A timetable detailing the date and time of each of these exams is attached to this letter.
In readiness for these examinations, additional work will be set for students to complete at home in the coming weeks to ensure that they achieve as high a grade as possible in all of their subjects. In addition to the work that students are completing in class and at home, we will also be spending tutorial time after half term, focusing on study and exam skills in order to ensure that every student is fully prepared for their trial exams.
Throughout the trial exam period:
- Students will be expected to arrive to school at the normal time of 8.30am at the latest and report to the school canteen
- Morning exams will begin promptly at 8.55am
- The school canteen will be open earlier, from 7.45am each day, for students to access breakfast and a study space
- Break will run as normal at 10.55am
- Students will attend period 3 as normal, with lunch taking place at 12.15pm
- Students will begin their afternoon exams following lunch at 1pm
- All students will be dismissed from school to go home once their afternoon exams have finished (please note that dependent on the length of the exam, this may be earlier than the usual 3.10pm finish, please refer to the exam timetable for further details)
For further details of key subject and exam board information regarding your child’s subjects, please refer to details shared at our Year 11 Information Evening and via the school website link below:
Thank you as always for your continued support. We wish all of Year 11 every success in their trial exams and look forward to sharing their results with you the week of 4th December.
With all best wishes
Ms Ella Moynihan
Deputy Headteacher – Standards and Achievement