School’s uniform policy

Dear Parents/Carers,
I hope this letter finds you well and that you and your family had a restful summer break. As we gear up for the start of the new school year, I wanted to address an important aspect of our school's uniform policy.
At Bishop Stopford's School, we take pride in maintaining a neat and professional appearance among our students. As part of our uniform requirements, students have traditionally been expected to wear their blazers throughout the school day. However, we understand that weather conditions can sometimes make it uncomfortable for students to adhere to this policy.
With this in mind, we have decided to implement a temporary adjustment to our blazer policy. Starting from today (Wednesday 6th September), students will be required to bring their blazers with them to school. However, they will not be required to wear them inside the school premises, provided that the temperature remains high.
We believe that this modification will allow our students to remain comfortable while still upholding the overall professional appearance of our school community. However, we will be closely monitoring the weather conditions, and if the temperature decreases significantly, we will review the blazer policy on Monday, September 11th.
Should the temperature decrease to a level where wearing blazers becomes more appropriate, we will promptly inform you through a follow-up communication. Until then, please ensure that your child brings their blazer to school every day, even if they do not need to wear it initially.
We kindly request your support in reminding your child of the importance of having their blazer with them at all times. This will allow them to be prepared for any changes in the weather and ensure they are ready to comply with the school's uniform policy if necessary.
We understand that this adjustment may raise questions or concerns, and we are here to address them. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any queries or require further clarification.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter. We believe that this temporary blazer policy adjustment strikes a balance between maintaining our school's professional appearance and ensuring the comfort of our students. We look forward to a successful and rewarding academic year ahead.
Kind regards,
Mr Egembah