May, 2023
Dear Families,
As we approach the half term holidays, I wanted to write to you to tell you how very proud I am of the achievements of our students this academic year. You will know that we are working on the four key areas of literacy, consistency, self-regulation and metacognition (more information on this can be found on our website).
Our literacy strategy, which includes the re- launch of our library; the continued drive to give all students access to high quality digital literature through the use of Reader Plus Programme and Chrome Books; and a focus on oracy through our tutorial programme has meant that our students are making good progress in this area. Oracy is a powerful tool for learning; by teaching students to become more effective speakers and listeners, we empower them to better understand themselves, each other and the world around them. It is also a route to social mobility, empowering all students, not just some, to find their voice to succeed in school and life’. I would encourage you to support us with our literacy drive at home through modelling reading, discussing books and engaging in conversation with your child about their school day and the wider world. For more detail on the literacy strategy visit our website by following the link How do we enhance student learning through literacy? – Bishop Stopfords School
Our strategy to support self-regulation and metacognition focuses on enhancing students’ understanding of how they learn and encourages them to take responsibility for their learning. There has been an explicit focus this term on teaching students how to plan, monitor and evaluate their own performance. A crucial aspect of this is understanding their strengths and know what is required to improve further. Once again please do speak to their child about what they have learnt this year and how they will apply this moving forward. For further details follow the link to our website Self-Regulation and Metacognition – Bishop Stopfords School
Our strategy focusing on consistency, ensures that our curriculum is accessible to all and has depth and breadth. This is facilitated in all departments through strong schemes of learning that enable progression and academic success.
We have been fine tuning our consistent approach to behaviour for learning. Many of you will have contributed to the annual consultation of our Behaviour Policy and the feedback we have had from you is very positive. We continue to encourage our students to be behave in a respectful, responsible, considerate, and loyal way to ensure their success.
I would ask that you continue to support us in ensuring your child is in school every day and that they are on time as we know that routine and consistency leads to strong outcomes for all.
Finally, I would like to congratulate our Year 11 and Year 13 students on a very successful start to the exam period. They have been attending revision sessions and pre exam warm ups regularly, and we believe this is giving them greater confidence in the exams. Please speak to your child about revision sessions in school and be abreast of any sessions running in half term. Each student has received a personalised copy of their revision timetable. Please contact Miss Williams, Exams Officer at lwilliams@bishopstopfords.enfield.sch.uk should you have any questions. We appreciate your support in ensuring we have good attendance at these sessions.
Last Day of Half Term Arrangements
On Friday, 26th May, 2023, the school day will end as normal after period 5 at 14:55pm for all students not currently sitting exams.
Return to School After Half Term – Arrangements
The school re-opens on Monday, 5th June 2023. Year 11 students (with the exception of 11J) will attend at 7.45am for their English exam revision session, all other students including 11J will arrive for a 11.15 am start in order to facilitate staff training.
I wish you a restful half-term. Hopefully, will all be able to enjoy some long-awaited warm weather and sunshine.
Kind regards.
Tanny Day
Headteacher, BA (Hons), NPQH