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6th Form Enrolment 2024

Our Sixth Form Enrolment will be on Thursday 22nd August 2024. Once you have collected your results, you will have a one to one meeting with a member of the Senior Leadership Team, where you will be able to enrol at our Sixth Form and discuss the next steps for you as you prepare for September.

Dear Year 11 Students,

As you continue to enjoy the post exam period and consider your next steps following results day on Thursday 22nd August, we would like to remind you all of our 6th form enrolment that will be taking place on the same day.

We will be open for you to collect your results from 9.00am – 12.30pm.  Once you have collected your results, you will have a one to one meeting with a member of the Senior Leadership Team, where you will be able to enrol at our Sixth Form and discuss the next steps for you as you prepare for September.

Attached is a flyer outlining the fantastic opportunities that await you in our 6th form, further details of which can be found via our school website at

The meeting will take place in the hall, where, dependent on your grades, you will be able to either:

  • Enrol onto the courses that you applied to study with us
  • Enrol onto alternative courses that we offer (subject to availability)
  • Discuss with us what action to take if you have not already applied or have not secured the entry level grades required

We are all very excited (as we are sure you are!) to see you all on Thursday 22nd August and look forward to sharing your successes and future educational journey with you.

Best wishes to you all

E L Moynihan

Ms E L Moynihan
Deputy Headteacher – Standards, Achievement and 6th Form